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tv   FCC Chair Unveils Net Neutrality Rewrite Calls for Light Touch Approach  CSPAN  April 27, 2017 1:23am-2:20am EDT

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internet service should no longer be treated like a public utility with strict rules. we be hit with those firstt of o one-hundred days guess the supreme court is a big deal but what chairman pai is working on has a long list impact of anything coming out of this of ministration i have been a freedom works for 12 years and 12 yearss ago and last year was very nervous that we were going to wrong direction. president obama pass new regulations on the internet.
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that there are 15,000,000,015,000,000,000. so we go to will hold new level of change we can try to regulate the changer let the market develop so we are encouraged to listen to chairman pai and his announcements to open in the internet for development to open competition and to have that any state regulation. end and to have that biggest
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impact in the long run so know i will introduce karen. [applause] is a pleasure to co-host this event from freedom works on that freedom works platform they are excited about the future. is not going to come as any surprise:those that are watching the event right now as small-business owners think of the experiences or regulation they are not that kind to say the least.
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regulation is very costly and conflicting with that regulatory process most and does not consider the impact to ignore their concerns. so that being said they are very excited about the new direction this is taken of the of regulatory front across all agencies and are very excited what the fcc has done so far under the chairmanship. we were very delighted for example, when he would first put on the chairman's patchairms that he was protecting small businesses from the of
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burdensome transparency it is a series of actions from my members sections that they have long advocated for all agencies to include more transparency and inclusiveness this is actual economic data and analysis and actually listening on a proactive basis to the concerns of small business owners to understand what the impact would be of technology in telecommunications services in the marketplace. as an organization dedicated to on japan airship as they
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continue to struggle we are concerned about on we aepreneur ship with day gap analysis found that because of the low over the last tenures that our economy is missing 3.7 million. that is a lot of business with job creation and innovation but thankfully those things that are changing to help create the ecosystem that we need today is world ip day and to have
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that stand-up activity that is why what commissioner o'brien is doing on the regulatory front. those that are key to innovation with affordable high quality broadband to start to scale and compete in the global marketplace and the location of their choice. we are excited to hear remarks talking about larger producers in american rethinks commissioner already and. >> host: working with them in the years ahead we will hear a couple of remarks from the friends of our organization and sticklers
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up nexus' federal affairss manager and the executive director of digital liberty. [applause] >> fakes for being here this is a red letter day and alsoyoul thanks to cs -- chairman pai and commissioner o'reillyoo everything you are doing for the internet going forward are want to be clear nobody is against net neutrality we are against a government takeover by regulatory fiat without congressional in pot well negative implicit. so moving forward i want to say if you are for competition in you are against t20 but we are looking ahead to the opentle and transparent process that
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is revolutionary to comment ahead of time american attack sea forms of digital liberty are excited for the road ahead of liber thanks. [applause] >> we are glad to be here today to talk about the future of the internet and flourished under a light touch regulatory model despite all the evidence in the many studies that the commission voted to put the internet under the 1934 law rotary dial telephone service.
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and then looking for to the commission plan into did benefit from increased investment so with that son know i will turn over to you. [applause] also thanks to chairman pai to see that connectivity so over 150 years that has worked to ensure those of the benefit from the latest advance of communication technologies to gain access
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to them. today that is why we are committed to ensure the open internet of the silicon valley through the prairie. those chairman's efforts to spur innovation including those in the rural small-town community. noel introduce mario lopez. [applause] >> it is great to see everybody hear i am marioe lopez the public policy organization dedicated to promoting liberty and opportunity and prosperity for all americans. i am excited about the innovations and emerging
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technologies.rsonal l in search of creative jobs and they believe one of the prairie reasons the sector has flourished with the light touch regulatory environment that serves us well to serve under clinton and george of the bush. and with those technological solutions and it is heavy with small business growthsmall and with uh people at the population in with those
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technologies from other important defense so we look forward to the chairman has to say about internet policypor in to make sure they're all serve raw with market regulation. [applause] >> for those of you better not familiar with the lincoln network after 2013 we have focused with the tech community and those across the country. and with that expert or a lobbyist for a lawyer. after a company that started
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we had to register as a common carrier with the sec to complete five reports that a useless per year to require over 15 hours of work according to an estimate. in the end with the operational the past six months and the co-worker received a call from south carolina asking $20 of fees. i am happy the on have my number. [laughter] in with the silicon valleycon vl can transform education.
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and many other industries to do important work but are not superheros continuing the tradition of americansca who can pursue a dream in the experiment until something clicks. to preserve this tradition the people who grow up in the midwest like belmontmi heights. interconnect the policy makers and the rate of new firm creation is declining you l with the government leaders to work together so to
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believe in a free and open internet but the process to get to the account but that makes all the difference. and it is not experiencing america feelings. the internet is always evolving and improving likealan. our water services or transmitter other public utilities. with new products and services. in those 2,000 californianss were i live for forced to evacuate because of a collapsing damn with years of neglect to sell the same
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regulatory authority overr the power grids and over waterways in the country and i disagree government control of the internet that leads to more taxes in new wave regulation and then with new access and innovation. it should not be minister controlled by the government.olled th and in the single most important person today with shaping policy. and p nominated to be the next chairman of the sec.
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so consumers benefit from market competition. in to be skeptical of any technology of any type of special treatment. and to take all of today's technology and the sec like other government agencies is bound by the allies created in congress and is a super legislator. functioning faxed the functions best when policymp is created from the
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bipartisan by an. a graduate of harvard university law school please welcome to the podium chairman pai. [applause] >> base for sharing your f inspiration. did with digital liberty and also for supporting this event. than with the privilege during that time i've had a chance to travel and stick with americans from all walks of life.
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and whether for purple or blue or red america. because they were fast and affordable reliable access. did they tell me they want to access the contents with those devices. that the sec must answert we at what gives the american people what they want? people that is the subject of a fierce public debate.of that i like to briefly review how we got to where we areul today.
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the internet is the greatest free market success in history do large part made by president bill clinton and with that legislation with the vibrant and competitive free-market to be unfettered by regulation.d bd the fcc respected that policy with the light touch to explicitly approved by the supreme court then enabled the internet to grow beyond a the betty's expectations. with the successful online companies just to name a few .
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jud with that $5 trillion. to have high-speed access.tworkt and with some parallel the innovation.parall but then that change. in to impose heavy handed regulations to have the old regulatory framework and upon thousands of providers big and small. to decide the federal government was that the center of the internet. why? unfortunately it has nothing to do with the law or fax. nothing was broken nothing about the law had it changed to and there was not a rash
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of providers to work with their as all about politics. after a disappointing 2014 midterm elections the waydt house released the unprecedented u2 video obstructing the fcc to the regulations from title ii this was to undermine independence of the agency in the word. but the fcc was not moving toward the title ii regulation. he was dragged kicking and screaming down the path. we were warned that with it we would be in too fast and slovenes. but the case.
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>> the use these circuits in test treated a position to introduce more rulemaking for pro. >> there is no better platform in and be ruled the of the intent and the united states swimming carefully this cited to abandon some if this whole policy is because of the f because of the hysterical prophecies of doom for pro we're trying to solve real problems they keep looking for an excuse to achieve the longstanding goal to force the internet for control of the government. most importantly tattled to
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regulation redos infrastructure the economics thavily regulate something that you will get. so many people's eyes glaze over waiting for those consequences means fewer americans need access. and less competition for the american consumer. what happens after they imposed title ii of forte structure investmentfc declined with the 12 largest service for writers expenditures decrease by five points 6% or 3.6 $6 billion first two years of the title to era.e first this is extremely unusual in
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the first time such investment has declined outside of recession and importantly it has not been impacted to big isp the also smaller providers have been hit one small by bisbee in arkansas told congress last year before the order wasre adopted as our intention to triple the customer base. however we have pulled back on those plans dealing back to three smaller communities there were not alone internet serving florida's 75 customers says the latest upgraded network goes up a 20 megabits per second department would provide the bells and customers was service in genesis week 22
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small isp is that have one doesn't customers were fewer said the order had affected the ability to obtain clients.rder had did it had floated halted the development firm their customer and that it was like a black cloud over businesses. americas providers simply do not have the means to withstand of regulatory onslaught and remember these are the small companies thatat is critical for more competitive broadband marketplace fighting against the big boys and the divide. no none of this should be a surprise after all be were warned in 1998 the agency subjected all information of service providers it was
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seriously chilled the growth and development so which radical republican issue that warning? senator john kerry and ron wyden among others. that is why we occurred in 1989 it is not good for america to pick up the telephone regulations to dump it wholesale. who said that? president clinton fcc chairman and in more recent years we were told the title ii order a self that the analysis was wrong andcy unsupported or irrelevant who said that? the fcc own chief economist at the time the tile to order was adopted.
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and then to cost us. >> but to has been the most harmed? with businesses cut back on capital expenditures that means the areas that provide the most marginal returns on investments are good to go that means low income and urban neighborhoods to keep callas consumers from getting better internet access or access period wiping the digital divide to accentuate the practice of fencing off lower income neighborhoods to say it is not worth the time or the money. that is where we are today.e where do go from here?from a political standpoint oppression it is easy to do
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nothing and leave title ii alone but i need -- to the upper suit a career in public service to better the lives of their fellowre americans. solos that will deny high-speed access in jobs or doing nothing. the way forward those that were meant to micromanage ma bell so with every structure investment rules that give americans more on choice and innovation and digital opportunity. we are going to deliver. so i share with my fellow commissioners the proposal of title ii to return to the
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framework that works so well during the clinic with clinton and bush and the first few years of the obama administration. we will be voting 18 on the notice of proposed rulemaking. n if adopted we will seek public input on this proposal this'll be the beginning of the discussion. not be and. some have called upon the sec to reverse immediately through the declaratory ruling. but i don't believe that is the right path for word fish should be made through the open and transparent process which every american can share his or her views.. so what does the basic elements?o looking at the telecommunications service to the title one information service drawn directly from
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the clinton administration and as mentioned earlier this classification was expressly upheld by the supreme court 2005 and more consistent with the facts of the law. proposing to eliminate the context standard this gives the fcc a mandate to micromanage the business practices of internet companies adopting that title ii order asking the context standard the answer is we don't but he means we don't know where they go next i have never heard a better definition of regulatory uncertainty. later we did see where things were headed is in the conduct standard to launch an investigation for the programs the wireless
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companies offer to stream visit music and video they're very popular among consumers with the sec said they were getting something for free from the wireless providers we terminated this investigation before fcc could take action but we should not leave this standard on the books for a future commission -- commission but the third major feature we see comment and how zero of those the were adopted in 2015. but don't just take my word in the notice i will be publicly releasing the entire text of the document tomorrow afternoon and this will be a marked change for what happened in 2015. years ago the sec hid the order from the american
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people and tell after was adopted will be if you were given special access to make changes at the last minute the sec had to pass the order before you were allowed to see it. but this time under myim leadership things will bee different he made agreed or disagreed you will know exactly what is the net. so now that have outlined the process let's address the critical issue water the benefits wises good for the american people? first to bring high-speed internet access to more americans not the overhang of heavy-handed regulation as those networks expand many from urban america will get high-speed internetss
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access for the first time in generally they will benefit from faster broadband. number two it will create jobs. these are good paying jobs laying fiber into dig trenches. to establish businesses to build the business is using those networks. third it will boost the competition in number title ii. >> guest: is designed for the monopoly that will tend to move the market so they should come as no surprise we see greater consolidation with heavy-handed regulation is tough on those two entrance if it not have those armies of lawyers so if we want to encourage to
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expand its food this is the best path to protecting all lines privacy. i understand that many disagree to stop the flied privacy rules going into effect later this year. one thing is indisputable congress was maintain the fcc put in place. the decision to cut - - the m2 really because it cannot regulate common carriers. but the fcc decision and of the case. so repealing title to will restore the authority to release the broadband
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providers practice in that the most privacy rules will once again be the cop on the be to protect america's on when privacy. . .of a structure with the
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digital opportunity. thirty-one jeff you were americans or put them back to work? do we want rules of promote competition for consumers'? do one american consumers broad ban prices? and then to protect americans privacy comprehensively. the answer to each of these is obvious. with the sec recruit the order we looked back as an aberration a temporary deviation in the voice my confidence so the next
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meeting will take a significant step and later this year i am confident we will finish the job. in this is the fight we are ready to win. [applause] not intrusive commissioner o'reilly with this common-sense approach he was nominated for the sec by president obama from the united states senate.
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but sworn on november 2013 with at renomination by the united states senate. please join me to welcome commissioner already. [applause] >> i am excited to be here. so freedom works and that is such an important topic today my colleague and i announce the beginning of a process from the terrible constraints from the bob grant -- broad ban provider. it is clear it never should have been imposed in the
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first place it is hyperbole problems with the liberal ideologically -- ideology to take internet policy and we darken prevalent we're here to declare those days are over we're bringing evidence based decision making back to the commission's rules. in that has necessary procedures with neutrality regulations that to commend the chairman for doing to complain about the shortcuts and instead with the procedure act followed to the letter of the law over the next few months now i will get a little into the weeds on the topic. i smile when i hear
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proponents tried to defend neutrality to refer to those for a million comments this simple truth of 1. 1.6,000,040 percent of these comments oppose those rules more importantly commission outcome cannot be decided by those polled members neutrality tries to argue that those rules cause no harm. the irony is that they said the same thing prior to adoption more succinctly there is no credible evidence to warrant that intrusive neutrality regulation. the base this was stated or defunct after further investigation.
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and the courts agreed that they were intended to be prophylactic to address that hypothetical future harm with problems in the marketplace. he made it clear those decisions to regulate broadband companies despite competitor choices available to most was designed in part common carrier regulation with the vague standard that there is no limit what the imagination can do. that was one of the first tasks if the november election had turned out differently and also the view be headed down the road to broadband price regulation. to take down a precarious
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route. with a paid prior tradition cns seems beyond unnecessary. for your indulgence to focus on the majority of my deaf with a net neutrality order. to go teach policy objection. starting to see some of the hypocrisy even ardent supporters say that some amount of traffic differentiation must be allowed or encouraged ms be prioritized over e-mail. it is not a bad word that is a necessary component this
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is an exchange for consideration for the third party or to benefit but that is a reason for the albright bay and. consider the facts of all the high-minded buster including the strongest supporters of neutrality routinely pay for a friday services for the best possible experiences for their customers have been doing it for years. contract that describes the arrangement it has with the broad band providers. the then to provide a better experience for consumers of naysay it wasn't the paid prior duration but as judge williams explained with that
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content with the broad band provider it is another form of paid prior duration so adding to the confusion is a longstanding category specialized services to recognize the commission tried to limit the use that non broadband internet services undermined the purpose would not be permitted. unless the service is what they wanted to encourage that they expressly invited the loophole to put them beyond the reach. in banning the fast lane
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with the system of good and bad fast lane to set itself up that should be lessened this is far from the rules. all traffic must be treated exactly the same did anything else is to be rejected. what started as an outcry over hypothetical fax transformed into a more radical idea. in addition to these problems and with a ban on paid prior to irritation arguing results of identical
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speed to be suboptimal with the unpaid -- paid prioritization with faster speed to have less incentive for the transmission capacity. turning to the general contact with negative context tendered referee throwing flags. fanatic is how it would last. in to be compatible somebodies business plans would send a series of letters to few major providers and to be driven
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solely of the man or woman absent any process of making of the internet with the theoretical option they cannot be hypothetical that the opinions and not binding on the commission from the enforcement bureau it should come as no surprise that this is not a popular option. to still object the commission having a catchall type of authority with that uncertainty into the marketplace that could be
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called that iraq task of the only to bring that resolution was in for all is for congress to consider it the subject and there can be no lasting peace without a statutory originally -- resolution for the large swings of neutrality there was an uncertainty and confusion as duly elected representatives to ban all the relevant concerns to bring that to rifle close. in those actions in the coming weeks and months and then to find the right outcome. in to reiterate so that
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conduct standard and then is my absolute pleasure to be here. [applause] >> to look back at this point it will be a turning point in our economic history. with over 50 billion devices of with the next couple of years it is the next-generation of the economy to help free up investment. i applied chairman pai for believing in competition link foundation for the future.
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[applause] [inaudible conversations]


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